When there is people, there is always politics involved. This is something that I totally agree upon. The current working place that I am in is no different. It's a rapidly expanding company, the company is actively recruiting employees and training the existing ones. As a sales and marketing company, meetings and products briefing are often held, often dragging till late afternoon and often affect the progress of current tasks in hand. Among the upper management level, there is a slight politics issues that is happening. This indirectly affected the front liners and thus, the performance of the company itself. But as a fresh industrial trainee, I do not want to be involved in any of it, and just stand in the middle of all. It's up to the people in the management level to do the killing among themselves.
I guess that every working environment will sure to have that kind of person. This kind of person is such a faker. The person is good in polishing up other colleague's shoes and also the superiors till they see the person as a pleasant person and that they perform their job well. But I don't know what I did wrong, that made her have a bad impression on me, or that she doesn't really like me. I might be over sensitive, but most of the time, when it comes to stuffs like this, I will be correct. She said she deal with the situation, not against the person. But she is doing the opposite things in front of me. She said she only wants result and does not want to know how I get it done. But if that's the case, how can I ask her for details? How can I know what she wants and how she wants it done? Isn't it a bit too ironic? I guess another pro faker will see the amateur faker out. To me, yes you can be as fake as you want to be, but please do it professionally and do not let others to figure you out. Isn't it humiliating when people crack your mask in front of others and let people see who the real you are?
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