The words that I long from you,
Even simple sentences of daily matters,
That you convey to me,
Would lift me up,
But it's missing from your lips,
Even words of simple care,
Everything that you utter seems forced out from you,
A dialogue is the living part in the bond between two person,
A monologue is not what I want it to be,
This is not what it used to be,
Changes are expected, but only for the better,
Why isn't there any confession of sin? Or even a simple explanation?
Though not expected from you, but suffice for me,
Relationship is the effort of both hands,
Reality shows one hand struggling to make the other clap,
The Door of Trust is thought to have opened for me,
Reality slaps me awake, projecting the Door shutting down,
Wonder whether had I done wrong,
Weary, the lonely soul will back away if this is the continuity,
I'll never grieve, this is not me, I'll be myself and cold.
-August 20, 2007
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