Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i'M sTiLl oN tH3 oTh3r sId3 oF tH3 rAiNbOw

Fate likes to toy with people.It comes to you when you least expected it, and lingers around for some time.And when you least espected it again,it just left you in darkness,desperately grapping for support.Two person meet each other out of nowhere in this world, and they're fated to undergo tests and trials.But those tests and trials doesn't mean that it will bring them together.It suffers much, when you are so near and yet so far away from each other.It hurts alot,knowing that how much you long for each other and yet you can't be together.Watching some people in pain,makes me wonder,have I done anything to deserve this?Why can't things be smooth sailing all the way?In the end, it's all back to fate.I always believe that fate and destiny arrange the paths of our lifes,it's just which path we choose to walk on, and that we have to take in everything that comes in the way,and not grumble nor blame other things,as this is the road that we have chose to walk on.
-August 29, 2006

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